Firstly, you'll have an extra unit to help you fight, but more importantly if you move the controlled mech unit close to the front of your units, the enemies will target the mech units, rather than your soldiers. Hack, hack, hack! Hacking and disabling can be helpful, but hacking and controlling enemies can save your soldiers a great deal of hassle. If you go too far forwards in a mission and end up pulling 3 groups of enemies it's probably worth quitting and reloading the game before the game autosaves. Fight enemies, not armies! Never pull more than 3 or 4 enemies at time, you'll get overwhelmed (especially if game autosaves and you've got 5 half-dead soldiers versus 8 full health enemies). However rushing the main missions may mean you're far into the story fighting higher tier enemies while you've only got 4 soldiers and tier 1 gear. Of course this isn't an achievement you want to go on for too long, the longer you take, the worse it'll be if you fail. Take your time! Don't rush! Yes, some missions are timed but I still found i could take a turn to reload and position units strategically without running out of time. Reloading the game will bring you back to the start of your turn. Quickly pause > hit the guide button > press start on xcom2 > quit. For example, if you're in a battle and your strongest character dies that you've named after your BFF/GF/BF/whatever and spent hours customising them to make them look super-cool. While you can't 'save and load' in the traditional sense, you can quit the game and reload back up. For the love of all that is good don't try this as your first playthrough (even if you've played xcom 1!) You cannot change difficulty of the game at any point (it will warn you in-game changing difficulty will disable achievements) only using 4 squad members, not letting a single solider die, etc) but this would only make it a lot harder and more frustrating so i'd strongly advise against it. This can be done in combination with other achievements (e.g. This can be done on commander or legend difficulty (if you're REALLY looking for a challenge) Avatar meter being full) you will fail the game entirely and will have to totally restart from the beginning potentially losing 20+ hours of gameplay. If you fail the game for whatever reason (e.g. at the start of your turn during battle) and the autosave option makes no difference. The game will save at certain points automatically (e.g. Ironman is a game mode where you can only save once. OK so there's no solution already on here and I suppose there can't really be a 'solution' for this achievement as such, so I thought i'd post some helpful hints and advice.